What is Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy, also known as Light Therapy, is an alternative holistic practice that is used to improve health and balance one’s auric field

According to the research of chromotherapy, the body is composed of light frequencies, what we experience as ‘colors’. The body comes into existence from these light frequencies/colors. Based on this, the body is stimulated by light frequencies and it’s colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the physical body.

All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these visible light spectrum colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. Every organ has an original energetic level at which the organ functions best. Any departure from that vibratory rate results in pathology (dis-ease), whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs results in a healthy body.

*Please be advised that the Crystal Cave sessions are not kid-friendly and do require that all attendees lay quietly for a full 45 minutes. Children age 12 and over who can lay quietly during these meditation are considered of a maturity for this room.

If you have questions regarding a younger child attending that you feel is capable of laying for an extended period and honoring this fragile room as well as other attendees meditative experiences, please contact the shop to discuss your possible options.

All sessions in the Chrystal Cave are adult only.

Why We Used Selenite

Selenite (Also Known as Utah Ice) is a crystal that vibrates at an extremely high frequency. Because of this high frequency, it is one of the most powerful crystals we have to utilize for energy work. Selenite carries the natural and organic energy of peace and calm. This makes it an ideal crystal for any situation where calm is desired as it is extremely effective at clearing heavy & blocked energy. Selenite allows one’s energy fields to flow and return to a natural organic higher frequency.

Selenite is an anion and is known to generate negative ions. It can produce 800 negative ions per cubic centimeter in the air, which is double the amount produced by a pristine forest. Negative ions have a positive impact on health and wellbeing, including boosting mood, improving sleep and a number of other health benefits. 

Selenite assists in boosting mental clarity and a fine tuning ones intuition. It naturally increases positive energy and can be used to ‘recharge’ everything around it including the physical body, a home or other space, as well as other crystals. Selenite is a self cleanser which means it is one of the only crystals that can clear itself and all around it of negativity and lower frequency vibrations.

Selenite carries the imprinted memories and energetic light codes of all that has happened on this planet throughout the ages and is used in energy work regularly as it is an extremely powerful healer and cleanser. From an energy work perspective, it has the capacity to calm the mind, bring the soul to peace, and bring clarity to all who seek it.

So you can see why using selenite in this sanctuary was the perfect choice for this extremely high vibrational light therapy crystal cave.

  • Chromotherapy, also known as Light Therapy, is an alternative holistic practice that is used to improve health and balance one’s auric field.

    Chromotherapy is a narrow band in the cosmic electromagnetic energy spectrum, known to humankind as the visible color spectrum. It is composed of reds, greens, blues and their combined derivatives, producing the perceivable colors that fall between the ultraviolet and the infrared ranges of energy or vibrations. These visual colors with their unique wavelength and oscillations, when combined with a light source and applied to impaired life systems, provide the necessary healing energy required by the body. Light affects both the physical and etheric bodies. Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy that are prime activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the human body, the stimulants or sedatives necessary to balance the entire system and its organs.

    Through testing of the electromagnetic energy glow around the human body called the aura, it was discovered that actual disease appears first in the aura and is then transferred to our physical body and can be detected 6–8 months prior to appearance in our physical body. Thus, they have established the fact that chromotherapy can be a preventive treatment. In support of this theory, Thelma Moss noted: ‘All seemingly solid objects in our world including our bodies are made up of the electromagnetic energy, the more dense the energy the more solid the object is.’

    20th Century Scientific Emergence Ghadiali (1927) discovered the scientific principles that explain why and how different color rays have various therapeutic effects on the body. His Spectro-Chrome Encyclopaedia, is considered to be the first published book to explain the complete doctrine of chromotherapy. Contrary to accepted scientific theory, which assumes that each element is a unit, Ghadiali concluded that ‘the chemical elements are colour compounds’. His results can be proved by any of the sophisticated equipment of modern science. ‘A specific disease thus constitutes a specific imbalance of colour waves and by implication, chemical imbalance.’ Ghadiali found that by treating the body with a particular color vibration, one could effectively reintroduce the appropriate biochemical elements into the body; he referred to this as color chemistry, certainly a new field of study. His results as published in the first decade of the twentieth century were advocated by Klotsche in Colour Medicine: color medicine not only can heal the diseased frequency of the body but also can introduce actual chemical elements/vibration into the body in a non-toxic form.

    "Modern chromotherapy is defined as the practice of applying light in the form of color to the body in order to balance "energy" that may be lacking.  It is based on the belief that each of the colors possess a frequency of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to a different physical quality. An imbalance in the energy systems of the body, whether it be on the physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental level, may therefore manifest as an illness or ailment. It is through the application of colors are that the energies are brought back into balance so that health and harmony can be restored.” - Nikolovska, S. “Shedding Light on Chromotherapy”

    Chromotherapy has, in fact, been used for centuries and studied using modern scientific methods since in the 20th century.  “Chromotherapy” is sometimes used interchangeably with both “light therapy” and “color therapy”, causing much confusion about the scientific validity of “chromotherapy”. 

    Chromotherapy was used for a variety of skin conditions dating back to the early 1900s. This light therapy is also used to aid in the purpose of tissue regeneration and healing. Light is electromagnetic radiation (energy emitted as particles or waves) and each color of the spectrum has a unique wavelength that has a different impact on our bodies. 

    What does each color do and what physical organs are affected by each?

    Red light Spectrum: Brings warmth, energy and stimulation; therefore good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilly and passive people. It energizes heart and blood circulation. It energizes all organs and the senses. Activates and improves circulatory and nervous systems.  Aids in the production of red blood cells and collagen cells.  Helps to burn fat. Red is associated with the root chakra and the organs associated are the feet, knees, large intestines, the pelvis, skeletal system and muscular system.

    Orange light Spectrum:  Enhances overall mood. Aids in stomach and digestion issues, as well as asthma and bronchitis. Orange is associated with the sacral chakra and the organs associated are the reproductive organs, lower back, large intestines, hips, and kidneys.

    Yellow light Spectrum: Increases neuromuscular tone. Purifies blood, helps digestion and has a cleansing effect. Strongly stimulates happiness, brings on a sense of security, as well as a strong feeling of well-being and energy. Works on internal tissues. Reactivates and purifies skin. Yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra and the organs associated are the pancreas, liver, large intestines, stomach, and adrenals.

    Green light Spectrum: Is a cooling, sedating color, which helps reduce swelling of joints and tissues; it calms the body’s nervous system. It’s the color of the relaxed heart. Calming, relaxing.  Is used in conjunction with blue lights for SAD sufferers. Green is associated with the heart chakra and the organs associated are the the heart itself, circulatory system, and the lungs.

    Turquoise light Spectrum: Increases intuition and sensitivity. It mentally relaxes and tackles embodied psychological barriers. It acts as a tonifier and can help regulate imbalances in the lung and large intestines system. It facilitates spiritual growth. Stimulates muscles and skin cells.  Addresses infections. Used to treat liver conditions and break down bilirubin. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra and the organs associated are the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, tonsils, vocal chords, esophagus, trachea, larynx, and the epiglottis.

    Blue light Spectrum: Is a cool color that is calming. It stimulates the parasympathetic system, and reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate. It helps treat sleep disorders and headaches. Stimulates muscles and skin cells.  Addresses infections. Used to treat liver conditions and break down bilirubin. Blue is associated with the third eye chakra and the organs associated are the eyes, ears, brain, pituitary gland, and endocrine system.

    Violet light Spectrum: Promotes awareness and consciousness. It promotes proper functioning of the lymphatic system and very helpful with menopause. It is the color for neutralizing emotional wounds and for spiritual growth. Relaxes nerves and lymphatic systems.  Addresses inflammation and urinary illnesses.  Helps with eye inflammation, glaucoma and eye fatigue. Violet is associated with the crown chakra and the organs associated are the brain, nervous system, hair, skin and nails, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands.

    Follow the link to read more on the subject and research done on the theories and benefits behind Chromotherapy: A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution